Gun control policies aimed at stopping mass shootings could also prevent a less visible tragedy: suicide.
CPR News: Uneven use of Colorado’s red flag law and why it wasn’t used for Club Q suspect
Ricochet: An American Trauma
ER Physician Offers Five Steps That Can Help Prevent Suicide
We want to prevent suicide in the military — Congress won’t let us
Guns aren’t going away. What if we treated gun violence that way?
How a public health approach can reduce firearm-related injury and death.
CPR News | June 3, 2022: Gun safety & kids; Prize parity in golf
CU Summit Focuses on Strategies for Addressing Suicide by Firearm Among Active-Duty Military Servicemembers
9News features voluntary out-of-home storage study
Dr. Betz among experts assembled by III Armored Corps for suicide prevention training seminar
Denver area news team highlights Firearm Life Plan - a new resource developed by Dr. Betz and collaborators
If we reach across the gun divide, we can prevent firearm suicides
Dr. Betz and Rob Pincus, Executive Vice President of 2AO (Second Amendment Organization) co-author a recent opinion piece in The Hill.
Year-long Study Brings Eclectic Group Together To Discuss Firearm Suicide Prevention
Dr. Betz and team's findings on Colorado's Extreme Risk Protection Order implementation featured by The Trace
Dr. Betz's research on older driver safety featured in recent edition of NIH News in Health
JAMA features impact of new federal funding for firearm-related violence research
From JAMA: “It feels like there’s this wonderful [burst of] topics being studied, the questions being asked, the answers we’re getting, as well as the growth of the people doing the work, which is what we’ve needed for decades,” Emmy Betz, MD, MPH, associate professor of emergency medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, said in an interview. “We’re still way behind, but hopefully it will continue,” noted Betz, who received 2 NIH awards.
Axios highlights gains and limitations related to new firearm injury funding
HealthDay features interview with Dr. Prater about NIH-funded firearm safety research
HealthDay interviewed Dr. Laura Prater, one of Dr. Betz’s collaborators, about preliminary results of their NIH-funded research exploring firearm safety for older adults.
Recent opinion piece by Dr. Betz, featured in "The Hill"
From, “The Hill": “In 2010, total U.S. traffic deaths fell to their lowest level since the 1950s – due in part to more motorists buying into “buckling up and embracing safety innovations.” Motor vehicle death rates have remained roughly steady since that time despite more people driving.
Over the same decades, however, firearm death rates have remained steady and now started to rise. Why?”
Read Dr. Betz’s recent opinion piece to learn more.